
Pittsfield High School History - Corner Stone Ceremony
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Thursday, September 07, 2023




Pittsfield High School Corner Stone Ceremony


Cornerstone laid at new high school building (Summary in the Berkshire Eagle, March 28, 1930)

(PHS on East Street opened for students in the Fall term of 1931)

Under grim, raw March skies, the cornerstone of Pittsfield high  school was laid this morning at 10 o’clock.

To the students had been committed by Judge Charles L. Hibbard and his associates on the commission the welcome task. It was an hour of dedication and of consecration. Whatever chill there may have been in the air found no echoing response in the hearts of the pupils. Distinctly it was their day.

Jonathan S. England, president of the student council, was chairman. The school sang, “America, the Beautiful,” with orchestral accompaniment.

“O beautiful for patriot dream, That sees beyond the years — Thine alabaster cities gleam, Undimmed by human tears — America, America, God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood, From sea to shining sea.”

“Our New Building” was the theme of Thomas M. Joyce’s address — an address in which there were both pride and purpose. Happiness shed its radiance over the scene.

Miss Betty Browne, a member of the junior B class, was the author of the commemorative poem, a beautiful expression of the hour’s spirit.

William D. Goodwin, for 42 years a member of the faculty, specializing in the languages, had a paper of exquisite charm. The laying of the cornerstone marked the high level of the day’s achievements.

All joined in singing “America,” the students sang their class song and the occasion was brought to an end. Roy M. Strout, principal of the high school, was general director of the program. Miss Madeline E. Pfeiffer was chairman, representing the faculty.

Vice-principals of the high school are William D. Goodwin, who, at one time, in years gone by, was acting principal, and John A. Ford, principal of Commercial.

Miss Anna F. Bennett, likewise a teacher, wrote of a famous education meeting many years ago. Among those who attended were Horace Mann, educator extraordinary, and George Nixon Briggs on whose memorial tablet in this city is recorded the fact that he was a friend of the common schools. This paper originally was published in The Eagle. Its value merited for it reposition in the copper box placed in the cornerstone which is at the northwest corner of the three-foot projection just at the main entrance.

This Story in History is selected from the archives by Jeannie Maschino, The Berkshire Eagle.

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Website courtesy of Clark W. Nicholls, PHS 1968 CWNicholls@aol.com




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