
Pittsfield High School Class of 1968
Pittsfield Massachusetts High School Class of 1968
PHS Class of 1968
Pittsfield MA 1968

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Last edited Monday, August 26, 2013

Past Reunions of PHS class of 1968:

Web content needed!  Any memories, photos, whatever…?

Let’s remember the other reunions - do we have any previous reunion photos?

2013, 45th = Bousquet Ski Area, August 24th, Saturday
2008, 40th = Crowne Plaza, June 21, Saturday
2003, 35th = Crowne Plaza, November 8th, Saturday
1998, 30th = Itam Lodge, August 8th, Saturday
1993, 25th = Eastover, Mothers Day weekend, Saturday
1988, 20th = Eastover, Mothers Day weekend, Saturday (?)
1983, 15th = none
1978, 10th = Itam Lodge
1973, 5th = Holiday Inn, Lenox Road


Website maintained by Clark W. Nicholls, PHS 1968
